Epidemiology of Paramphistomiasis in buffaloes under different managemental conditions at four districts of Punjab province, Pakistan

Document Type : Short paper


1 Department of Zoology, University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

2 Department of Parasitology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan


Epidemiological studies were undertaken at slaughter-houses, livestock farms, veterinary hospitals and
on household buffaloes under climatic conditions of four different districts of Punjab province. Infection rate
was 22.29, 28.33, 17.08 and 12.75%, respectively in slaughter-house buffaloes, livestock farm buffaloes,
veterinary hospital buffaloes and household buffaloes. Overall the season wise the highest prevalence
(28.33%) was recorded in buffaloes at livestock farms followed by slaughtered (22.29%) and veterinary
hospital buffaloes (17.08%). While the lowest (12.75%) prevalence was recorded in household buffaloes
during spring. It was also observed that the higher infection rate was recorded in younger buffaloes (below
two years of age) than older (above two years of age) where as sex wise the prevalence indicated that male
buffaloes were more commonly affected than females. Snails belonging to genera Bulinus, Lymnaea and
Planorbis were also observed which are responsible for the transmission of paramphistomiasis.
